This Thanksgiving has been a very jumbled mix of emotions. The past few weeks I have cried more, laughed more, been angry, been sad, been frightened, felt vulnerable, felt grateful for true friends who kept me going in the darkest hours. I never have liked to wallow in self pity. But sometimes you just cant help it. In our 19 years of married life we have dealt with house fires, serious injuries and illnesses, multiple surgeries and hospitalizations, car accidents, several near death experiences, school, jobs, moves, family conflict, death of loved ones, on and on. We have recently dealt with something harder than anything thus far. As I look back on the thoughts and feelings of going through yet another crisis, my new motto is BUCK UP MOMMA! I am the mother of 5 beautiful, intelligent, and talented children, who deserve ME! All of me. Yeah, LIFE SUCKS sometimes. But I am done laying in bed feeling sorry for myself. So I am focusing very much on gratitude. I even made a list.
I am grateful for Jordan. Beneath his tough, manly exterior, is a tender soul who loves deeply and forever. He is making life choices that will shape his future..and I have so much confidence and faith that he will succeed and be HAPPY.
I am grateful for Whitney. All of her talent in soccer is not going to her head. She is awesome, she knows she's awesome, she knows she will play in college-which is way up there in coolness. She is beautiful, smart, her grades are high, and she is very organized (except her room).
I am grateful for Boo. Otherwise known as Becca. My heart aches for what she has endured, but sings for how she is rising from it. I KNOW she will use her newly found strength for good. She is making herself a smart, capable young woman, who can play the piano like nobodies business. She is starting up tumbling and cheer again. There is a bright light in those beautiful brown eyes. My Boo Bear, my fashionista, my daughter.
I am so grateful for Kaden. He is a gentle, quiet soul who is usually reading a book somewhere around the house. He acts happy whenever he sees me, and still hugs me goodnight. He is trying to find his niche in this world and in this family, and I will do whatever I can to nurture the best in him.
I am soooo grateful for my funny Jackson. What 8 yr old kid stays home sick from school and watches football ALL DAY on TV. He does. When there weren't any games on he watched NFL news. He did lower his standards once and watched a college game.
I am grateful for Jay.
I am grateful for my sisters and brothers. I am grateful for their kids. I love that I have been the nurse present at 4 beautiful deliveries of a niece and three nephews. Not many people have a cool job like me.
I am grateful for my parents. I love my parents. The have helped to shape and mold who I am, and they are continually supporting me and my family any way they can.
I am grateful for my job. I love taking care of delivering moms, being there for that intimate moment of life coming into the world. I love the second family I get from my job. They know more about me than a lot of people do.